Call me at 416-427-6244. If I’m available, we might speak right away – otherwise please leave a message, if possible giving me some good times to try to reach you, and let me know if the number(s) you have left me are ones where I can leave a brief, confidential message if I don’t reach you immediately.
Or, email me at [email protected]
Linda E. Chapman
586 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 611
Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1P2
(416) 427-6244
Fees: $150.00 per individual session (see note below) which includes HST.
*reduced fees may be available if you are attending weekly sessions during the day.
Fees are due at the time of the session. You can pay by e-transfer, cheque, credit card or cash at the time of the session.
*Questions about possible insurance coverage need to be addressed either by human resources at your workplace, and/or your insurance provider.